Friday, December 23, 2011

NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars (LARSS), USA

The Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars (LARSS) Program is one of NASA’s most successful student programs, for 25 years providing mentored, paid, research internships toundergraduate and graduate students in the fields of Science, Technoloy, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM) as well as in Business, Communication, Marketing, and other areas that support NASA’s mission.
LARSS was recently recognized by Vault Career Intelligence as among the top ten best college internship programs in the United States in 2011.
NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), founded in 1917, is the nation’s first civilian aeronautical research facility and NASA’s original field center. NASA Langley’s Mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics through research and development of technology, scientific instruments, and exploration systems. LaRC is also designated as the NASA Center of Excellence for Structures and Materials.
NASA LaRC invites rising undergraduate juniors and seniors, and graduate students who are pursuing degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering (most fields, particularly aeronautical, electrical, chemical, and mechanical), Mathematics, materials science, atmospheric science and other aerospace-related fields, as well as other majors that lend support to NASA’s mission in special project areas such asaccounting, business, public administration, English, journalism, history, photography and media arts to apply for the LARSS program. Females and students from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
The Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars (LARSS) Program is managed for NASA by the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VGSC) under the auspices of the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA).
This Center-unique program is intended to feed both NASA’s and the Nation’s workforce pipeline with students skilled in scientists and engineers, encourage high-caliber college students to both pursue and earn graduate degrees, and to enhance their interest in aerospace research by exposing them to the professional research resources and state-of-the-art facilities of LaRC. In addition, students will attend technical lectures and guided tours, network with peers and NASA employees, complete a technical report and participate in a poster session to present the results of their research activities.
The LARSS Program hosts more than 170 students each year through its spring, summer, and fall internships. Note that the summer is a 10-week session, while the spring and fall are 15-week sessions.
STIPEND INFORMATIONStipend amounts are based on the 10-week summer session period of research. The 15-week spring and fall sessions are adjusted accordingly.
  • Graduate Students – $6,000
  • Rising Juniors and Seniors – $5,000
Bridge Student Stipends: Please see LARSS Bridge Program section below.
  • Rising College Freshmen and Sophomores – $4,000
  • Rising High School Seniors – $3,000 for a 10-week session or $2,400 for an 8-week session
  • U.S. Citizenship
  • Full-time student status at an accredited U.S. college or university (Community College students are invited to apply; selection is contingent upon matriculation into an accredited 4-year institution.)
  • Classification as a rising undergraduate junior or senior, or graduate student (master’s or doctoral level) by the start of the program
  • Cumulative 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale
LARSS Bridge Program:
  • This option allows select outstanding rising high-school seniors, rising college freshmen and rising college sophomores to apply early if they meet the following eligibility requirements:
    • Must have previous NASA program experience
    • Must have a 3.5 GPA
  • Examples of Previous NASA program experience include programs such as the NASA SHARP Program, CHROME Club, NASA Governor’s School, INSPIRE, VASTS, documented time working on a NASA related project with a college professor, and the Volunteer Services Program. Students must have participated in these programs a minimum of 40 hours.
A LARSS “Bridge Program” option offers opportunities for select outstanding rising high-school seniors, college freshmen and sophomores who have previous NASA program experience and a 3.5 GPA to be considered for an internship at a reduced rate of pay. Previous NASA program experience includes programs such as the NASA SHARP Program, CHROME, NASA Governor’s School, INSPIRE, VASTS, documented time working on a NASA related project with a college professor, and the Volunteer Services Program.
2011 Fall 15 Week session:
Tuesday, September 6 – Friday Decemberl 16, 2011
2012 Spring 15 week session:
Tuesday, January 17 – Friday April, 27 2012
2012 Summer 10 week session:
Monday, June 4 – Friday, August 10, 2012
2011 Fall session – July 29, 2011 – For 2011 Fall Session Only, please call if you have a problem meeting the deadline.
2012 Spring session – October 28, 2011
2012 Summer session – February 1, 2012
Note: Application must be submitted by 12 Midnight on deadline date indicated.
For more information, please visit official website:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beasiswa Debt Swap 5K Doktor, KEMDIKNAS, Indonesia – Jerman

Program Debt Swap adalah program pengurangan jumlah hutang luar negeri Indonesia. Dalam rangka mengurangi jumlah hutang Indonesia kepada Jerman, khususnya dibidang pendidikan. Kemdiknas mengajukan usulan Debt Swap VII (Program Beasiswa IGSP : Indonesian-German Scholarship Program) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (dalam bidang Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)). Program Debt Swap I dan II telah dilaksanakan sebelumnya dalam sektor pendidikan, dibidang pendidikan dasar dan rehabilitasi sarana sekolah.


  1. Peningkatan SDM sesuai dengan Renstra Kemdiknas dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada tenaga dosen/asisten dosen untuk mendapatkan gelar Doktor dalam kurun waktu 10 (sepuluh) tahun, di mulai pada tahun 2012
  2. Membantu pencapaian target Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia dalam menciptakan lulusan Doktor di Indonesia.
  3. Mengurangi total hutang Pemerintah Republik Indonesia kepada Pemerintah Republik Federal Jerman sebesar 2 (dua) kali total biaya pendidikan Doktor di Jerman.
  4. Peningkatan kerjasama institusi pendidikan di dua negara (Indonesia & Jerman)
  5. Peningkatan pengembangan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) antar institusi di Indonesia dan Jerman


  1. Ekonomi dan keuangan fokus Pengentasan Kemiskinan
  2. Perubahan ikilm, lingkungan dan keanekaragaman hayati
  3. Energi baru dan terbarukan, sumberdaya alam
  4. Ketahanan dan keamanan pangan
  5. Kesehatan, Penyakit Tropis, gizi dan obat-obatan
  6. Pengelolaan dan Mitigasi Bencana
  7. Integrasi Nasional dan harmonisasi sosial
  8. Otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi
  9. Seni dan Budaya/ Industri kreatif (culture technology)
  10. Infrastuktur, Transportasi dan teknologi pertahanan (Satelit)
  11. Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi
  12. Pembangunan Manusia dan Daya Saing Bangsa
  13. Maritim, teknologi Maritim
  14. Nano Teknologi


  1. Dosen/calon dosen dengan gelar Master (PNS/Non-PNS) di lingkungan PTN/PTS
  2. Calon dosen dari program “Fast Track”
  3. Lulusan Magister dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang direkomendasikan oleh PTN/PTS untuk menjadi dosen di lingkungannya
  4. Non-dosen yang merupakan staf dari Kementerian lainnya dengan sumber dana dari Kementerian yang berkepentingan
  5. Peserta calon Doktor:
    1. Memenuhi persyaratan akademik:
      • IPK untuk lulusan S2 > 3.20
      • IPK lulusan S1 > 3.00 dan S2 > 3.25 untuk program Fast Track
    2. Memenuhi persyaratan non-akademik:
      • ITP/iBT TOEFL > 550/equal atau IELTS > 6.5
      • Track record yang baik dalam jumlah publikasi atau hasil karya penelitian
      • Sikap/etika kerja dan sikap/etika penelitian yang baik
  6. Untuk keberangkatan tahun 2012, kandidat diwajibkan untuk mendaftar online di website


  1. Mengisi Form A Dikti
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV in English)
  3. Melampirkan proposal rencana usulan Disertasi dalam Bahasa Inggris atau Jerman
  4. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) dari Professor dan PT di Jerman
  5. 2 (dua) buah surat rekomendasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
  6. Surat Keterangan pengajar tetap yang dikeluarkan oleh Rektor PT di Indonesia
  7. Memiliki track record yang baik dalam jumlah publikasi ataupun hasil karya penelitian (jika ada)
  8. Fotokopi sertifikat pelatihan (jika ada)
  9. Sertifikat ijazah pendidikan S1 dan S2 yang telah dilegalisir
  10. Sertifikat ijazah pendidikan S1 dan S2 yang telah dilegalisir dan diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Inggris
  11. Fotokopi transkrip nilai pendidikan S1 dan S2 yang telah dilegalisir
  12. Fotokopi transkrip nilai pendidikan S1 dan S2 yang telah dilegalisir
  13. 2 (dua) lembar pas foto (3×4)
  14. Fotokopi sertifikat kursus bahasa Jerman (jika ada)
  15. Sertifikat TOEFL/IELTS yang masih berlaku (Prediction TOEFL tidak diterima)
  16. Peserta wajib menjalani ikatan dinas kerja untuk menjadi dosen/staff di Indonesia.
  17. Kelengkapan berkas dikirim ke alamat dibawah ini dan softcopy-nya dikirim

Alur Penerimaan Beasiswa Unggulan Melalui Perguruan Tinggi

  1. Berkas calon Mahasiswa
  2. Pendaftaran ke Perguruan Tingi Pengusul / Mandiri
  3. Diusulkan ke Dit. Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan
  4. Seleksi dan Penetapan
  5. Predeparture
  6. Keberangkatan ke Luar Negeri
  7. Proses Perkuliahan


  1. Graduate School; Perkuliahan dan penelitian dilaksanakan di Jerman selama 3 tahun
  2. Research Program; Penelitian dilaksanankan di Jerman selama 3,5 tahun
  3. Sandwich Program; Calon Doktor terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa Doktor di Indonesia. Penelitian pendukung dilaksanakan di Jerman selama 6-12 bulan.
  4. Double Degree; perkuliahan dan penelitian dilaksanakan di Indonesian selama 1 tahun dan di Jerman selama 1 tahun
  5. Fast Track; Perkuliahan dan penelitian akan disesuaikan dengan status akhir calon Doktor karena pola ini khusus ditujukan bagi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan program akselerasi Sarjana/S1 dan Magister/S2 dalam waktu 5 tahun.

Koordinator Program:

  • Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto (SEAMOLEC)
  • Dr. AB Susanto (Beasiswa Unggulan BPKLN)
  • Dr. Purwanto Subroto (Dit. Lemkerma DIKTI)
  • Istri Hardiyati (Ditendik DIKTI)

Alamat Sekretariat:
Gedung C lantai 6 Kemdiknas
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman

Listya Ayu Saraswati :
Nevada Larasati Firdhani :

Email Sekretariat IGSP:

Pendaftaran untuk program IGSP Debt Swap periode 2012-2013 dibuka bulan Februari 2012

For more information, please visit official website:


Master & PhD Scholarships, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) offers programs leading to M.S., Ph.D. and integrated M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Students are expected to maintain full-time student status and continuous registration until completion of all requirements. It normally takes two years to finish an M.S. program and four years for a Ph.D. program. For a Master’s degree, students take a maximum of three years to complete their degree. For integrated M.S. and Ph.D. program, students have a maximum of eight years to complete their degree. Ph.D. students have a maximum of seven years to complete their degree.

Full-tuition Scholarship
All GIST students are awarded full-tuition scholarship for two years of M.S. program and for four years of Ph.D. program.

Monthly Stipends
All GIST students receive stipends throughout two years for M.S. program, and four years for Ph.D. program. Students are required to maintain full-time status. M.S. students receive monthly stipends of 220,000 won and 250,000 won for Ph.D. students. International students with GPA 3.0 or above may be given an additional 120,000 won as an international student support stipend.

Free Dormitory Housing
GIST provides all students with on-campus dormitory housing free of charge, monthly utility fees of 30,000 won will be deducted from your monthly stipends. GIST also has apartments for married students which charge a resident for rent and utilities.

Experiment Costs
For M.S. students, up to 229,900 won per year may be reimbursed of the amount incurred for researchexperiments, and up to 270,600 won per year for Ph.D. students, with the approval of their academic advisor.

Thesis / Dissertation Research Expenses
Expenses associated with a student’s research for the M.S. thesis may be reimbursed up to 511,000 won per year, and 901,250 won per year for the doctoral dissertation, with the approval of their academic advisor.

Research Assistantships
Research assistantships are available for qualified students working on funded projects. Students who are granted assistantships well be paid according to their work hours and degree of participation in the project.

Medical Insurance Fees
For international students, 60% of the Korean National Health Insurance fee is supported by GIST. For students receiving Korean Government IT scholarships, however, 30% of the Korean National Health Insurance fee is supported by GIST.

How to apply?
First, all applicants must connect to our Online Application System. (
Secondly, mail all required documents to GIST.

Application Deadlines
The application deadline for the fall admission is April 15 and for spring admission, October 15. Late applications will be considered for the subsequent semester. In order to be considered for admission, official English test results should reach us before the deadline. English scores more than two years old are not accepted.

Do I need to submit a TOEFL score?
Because English is the medium of instruction at GIST and success in graduate study depends on Englishlanguage competency, official English test results must be presented by applicants who are not native born citizens of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK and the USA as part of their applications.

Applicants holding bachelors or advanced degrees from accredited institutions in one of the countries listed above may be exempted from English requirements with prior approval of GIST.

English Requirements
In general, the minimum score for acceptance into our graduate programs is 550 of PBT, 213 of CBT or 80 of iBT. We also accept the score of IELTS, TOEIC and TEPS when the applicant doesn’t have TOEFL score. The minimum score for acceptance is 6.5 of IELTS, 750 of TOEIC and 680 of TEPS.

Conditional Admission
Applicants from countries that do not offer official English tests (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or TEPS) or other applicants for whom it is not possible to take such tests owing to unavoidable circumstances (including schedule conflicts or excessive economic burden not including the exam fees) may be permitted to apply for admission to the Institute and may be given conditional admission. Conditional admission requires one or more of the following criteria:

  1. If the applicant submits documentation related to English proficiency issued by the President and Dean of the last school attended.
  2. If the applicant passes an English proficiency evaluation in a face to face interview administered by an English lecturer from the Institute, or a selection committee member during an academic event held by the Institute such as overseas symposiums.

Students admitted to GIST with conditional admission must, within 6 months from the date of admission, submit official English test results that meet the application criteria of the Institute. We strongly recommend that you obtain a recommended English test score because Korea Immigration Service may require an English or Korean Test score for VISA application.

Degree Verification
You will take full responsibility for the accuracy of the documentation that you provide. In the event that any academic information that you submitted is found to be false or to contain inaccurate statements, your admission to GIST will be cancelled.

In order for us to order a degree verification, please include the following information:

Degree Information

  • complete name including any former names
  • awarded degree title
  • year/date degree was awarded
  • university ID number

University Registrar Information

  • University Registrar’s name and official title
  • University Registrar’s e-mail address and phone number

Application Review Process

  • Applications are accepted year-round.
  • Professors of the admissions committee in each school or department will review all documents.
  • If necessary, an oral interview may be required.?
  • Note: You MUST submit the Application Form online and mail all required documents to GIST.
  • You may check the Application Status and the Final Decision online.

For more information, please visit official website:


MSc Scholarships, International Space University, France

The International Space University is given funding from industry and government agencies to help support MSc students who are unable to cover all of their tuition fees. This aid is available to selected applicants, and covers a portion of their fees. It is paid directly to ISU by the sponsoring organization.

This financial aid is available for:

  • applicants from Europe (the countries listed below have priority*)
  • applicants from the United States and Canada
  • applicants from ISU Affiliates
  • applicants from developing countries
  • applicants from other countries (within the limits of funds available)

(*Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom)

Financial aid is granted on the basis of:

  • academic and professional merit
  • demonstrated efforts in personal fund-raising
  • demonstrated financial need

Applicants for the MSc programs 2012-2013 should apply online on the ISU website before 15 March 2012 if they want to be considered for scholarship support, and before 30 June 2012 if they are not in need of financial aid. Financial aid will be awarded within the limits of funds available, so early applications are highly recommended. Please note that the relevant box on the Confidential Financial Information form of the application must be checked. It is recommended that candidates make a personal effort to raise funds enabling them to attend the program. Such initiatives are taken into consideration when ISU allocates funding.

When submitting your application to ISU, please don’t forget to attach your resume. Your resume may be given by ISU Staff Members to sponsors. However, ISU will not give its sponsors contact information, but will try its best to match applicant’s profiles to sponsor requirements.

The ISU Funding Committee, which includes both faculty and Sponsors, awards funding to applicants whose career goals appear to stand to gain substantial benefit from the ISU MSc programs. Funding is given for help towards tuition fees only.

For more information, please visit official website:


Erasmus Mundus Scholarships – MA in International Performance Research (MAIPR)

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships – MA in International Performance Research (MAIPR)

The Erasmus Mundus MA in International Performance Research (MAIPR) is aimed at students with a particular interest and/or background in the performing arts, therefore those who may wish to pursue a career in or add value to already existing skills in aspects of arts practice or pursue an academic career through advanced study, perhaps leading to a Ph.D.

The current MAIPR intakes are truly international, made up of students from all continents (except Antartica!) We have students who have entered straight after finishing their undergraduate degrees in performance-related disciplines and others who have worked as directors, choreographers, curators, dancers and actors. You should bear in mind, however, that MAIPR is not a practical training programme. What it will do is help you develop and enhance your theoretical knowledge about performance-related issues, and it will certainly add value to your already existing skills base.

Funded by the European Commission, the MAIPR from autumn 2011 will be offered by four internationally renowned academic institutions: the University of Warwick in the UK; theUniversiteit van Amsterdam (the University of Amsterdam) in The Netherlands; theUniverzitet Umetnosti u Beogradu (University of Arts Belgrade) in Serbia; and the Helsingin Yliopisto (the University of Helsinki) in Finland.

Students successfully completing the programme will receive a double degree awarded by theUniversities of Warwick, Amsterdam or Arts Belgrade.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus (EM) Scholarships are funded by the European Commission (EC), under the management of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). EM scholarships are awarded to the strongest applicants to the MAIPR programme itself, in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the EACEA.

There are two EM scholarship competitions that are linked to the MAIPR programme itself: Category A and Category B. The competitions are open to MAIPR applicants only and are therefore not available to students applying for other programmes.

The following are the details on the two competitions. Please check carefully to see which competitionapplies to your own circumstances:

CATEGORY A: € 36 000 (2011-12 grants have now been allocated)
Category A scholarships are aimed at covering all the costs of the programme, therefore fees, travel and living expenses over 16 months:

  • 7 scholarships for eligible third-country applicants (therefore those whose nationality and place of abode are outside of the EU/EEA/EFTA area) who have lived, studied and/or worked for LESS THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.
  • 1 additional scholarship is reserved for an eligible West Balkans and Turkish applicant who has lived, studied and/or worked for LESS THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.

After the € 12 000 programme fee has been deducted from the EM scholarship, you will receive € 24 000. This amount is made up as follows:

  • € 8 000 travel and installation allowance
  • € 16 000 monthly stipend

The above will usually be paid in 16 x monthly instalments of € 1 500. The first payment will be made shortly after arrival at your home university.

category B: € 17 000 (2011-12 grants have now been allocated).
Category B scholarships are considered as financial contributions rather than full scholarships:

  • 8 scholarships for eligible EU/EEA/EFTA applicants, also third-country applicants who have lived, studied and/or worked for MORE THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.

After the programme fee has been deducted from the EM scholarship, an EU student will receive € 8 000 living allowance a €3 000 travel and installation allowance. This will be paid at a rate of €687.50.

Application process
Online application: The best way to apply for the MAIPR programme is online via the University of Warwick, the coordinating institution for the Consortium. Please click-on the following link on-line application form to access the online portal.

For 2012-13, the deadlines will be: 3rd January 2012 (for EM scholarship competition entrants) and 30th April 2012 for all other applicants

If you are offered a place on the MAIPR programme, to make your offer unconditional, you must send the originals of your support documentation THROUGH THE POST to the following address:

Postgraduate Team 6
The Postgraduate Admissions Team
Student Admissions and Recruitment Office
The University of Warwick

NOTE: If you wish to be entered into the 2012-13 EM scholarship competitions, ALL of your support documentation, including both references, must have been received on or by the 3rd January 2012. If your application is incomplete on that date, then regretably we will be unable to put you into the relevant EM scholarship competition. It is therefore vital that you contact your referees to get their references and that you have obtained your transcripts and/or certificates in plenty of time.

For more information, please visit official website:


International Fellowships Programme, Japanese Association of University Women, Japan

The Japanese Association of University Women takes pleasure in announcing its 2012 International Fellowships Programme for women who are carrying out or would like to carry out independent research or advanced study at the post-graduate level in Japan.

The period of the award will be for 3-6 months within the period 15 September 2012 to 31 March 2013. Please read the Guidelines below before applying on the application form provided.

500,000–1,000,000 Yen per grantee. The amount granted will vary depending on duration of stay in Japan and the nature of the work. One-third of the amount will be given to the grantee upon arrival in Japan.

For 3–6 months within the period 15 September 2012 to 31 March 2013.


  • Applicant must be a citizen of a country other than Japan
  • Applicant must hold an academic degree equivalent to the bachelor’s degree
  • Applicant’s proposed plan of study or research must be one that will advance her professional competence and that requires being undertaken in Japan
  • Applicant must be accepted by a Japanese institution at which she proposes to undertake study / research.


  • Designated Application Form
  • Three letters of recommendation written by persons who are well acquainted with the applicant’s work. If she is a member of a National Federation or Association of IFUW, she may substitute one of the three persons with the president of her Federation or Association
  • A copy of the letter of acceptance by the Japanese institution at which the applicant proposes to undertake study/research or other supporting documents
  • Medical certificate of health
  • Summary of published works (articles, theses, books up to three) in English.

For 2012-2013, April 20, 2012 – Postmark Deadline.
The committee will not accept any applications or supporting documents that are submitted after the deadline.

Completed application forms with all required documents and materials should be enclosed in one envelope and posted (e-mail not acceptable ) to:

Ms Kazuko Hirano
Chairperson of International Fellowship Committee
Japanese Association of University Women
11-6-101 Samoncho, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 160-0017, JAPAN
TEL:( 81 3) 3358 2882 FAX: (81 3) 3358 2889

For more information, please visit official website:
